Tofu Stir fry
I have made many tofu stir fries. The general method is to marinate the tofu and allow absorb from 1 hour to a few days. Then fry it in a wok for 10-15 mins so that it is crispy. After, you just add vegetables that you desire, fry for a bit and then serve with rice or noodles.
I always buy firm tofu because it is more stable and a lot nicer to eat. You also don't need to drain the water from it as you would with softer tofu. Just pat it down with paper towel and then you're ready to go.
How to cook? Fry in a wok with max heat. The hotter the better!
2023-02-17: Tofu stir fry with mushroom and spinach
Block of tofu
To marinate: combine 1/3 cup of soy sauce, 3 tea spoons of sesame oil, 1 lime and 2 minced garlics. Mix well and poor over a bowl of tofy that is cut into small pieces. Cover for 1-2 days.
Method: Fry tofu for 10 mins: til it is crispy and set aside. Fry garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. add red onion. Add mushrooms and fry for a few minutes. Next, add spinach and fry. Add tofu, mix together.
And that's all. Serve with rice or noodles.
2023-05-09 BBQ tofu stir fry
I thought this stir fry was really tasty, especially as left overs the following night.
Ingredients Block of tofu, BBQ sauce, soy sauce & chilli powder. 1/2 onion, 2 garlics 200 g button mushrooms, 1 red capsicium cut in slices, 1 zucchini cut in slices
Block of tofu combine 1/3 cup of soy sauce, 1/3 cup of BBQ sauce, 1 tsp chilli powder, 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix well and poor over a bowl of tofy that is cut into small pieces. Cover for 1-2 days.
Fry tofu for 10 mins: til it is crispy and all the sauce has reduced. Set aside.
Fry garlic and onion in 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Add mushrooms and fry for a few minutes.
Next, add capsicium and zucchini. Fry together for 5 minutes, adding a bit more oil if necessary.
Add tofu, mix together.
And that's all. Serve with rice or noodles.