📄️ Sourdough starter
Date created 11.07.2024
📄️ My First attempt at sourdough bread
Date: 29.6.24
📄️ My second attempt at sourdough bread
Date created: 6.7.2024
📄️ Gluten Free Sourdough Pancakes
Recently, Nick and I relocated from Wollongong to Sutherland Shire. It has been so crazy and wonderful for many reasons. One of them is due to the fact that I now have a large kitcehn and can bake to my heart's content. m
📄️ Plain sourdough Bagels
Date created 13.7.24
📄️ Sourdough Pancakes
On 23.6.24, I used my sourdough discard for the first time. At this point it was 10 days old. Just before I was preparing to use it, I noticed that it had rose almost double its initial size. It was very gaseous and therefore, I thought it was active and ready.
📄️ Sourdough pastry
Date created 11.7.24
📄️ Sourdough Pizza Crust
Note: this makes 1 x pizza dough.
📄️ Sourdough Scones
This used the entirety of the sourdough discards that were collected in the fridge (maybe 160 g or so?).