Mediterranian Bowl
There are three components to this dish:
- Tomato & Cucumber salad with Tzatziki
- Cous-cous
- Tumeric & black pepper tofu.
This is for *3 servings.
I like to prepare the tofu a few days before - because the longer you leave to marinade, the better it is!
I marinaded the tofu with a Tumeric and black pepper recipe that I found online. For the 500 g block of Tofu, I doubled the ingredients:
To prepare the tofu
- Cut the Tofu into large rectangles or triangles. Thinner pieces are more crispy, but thicker pieces are softer.
- Combine 2 tsp of tumeric, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp black pepper, 4 tsp cornstarch and sprinkle over the tofu. Rub the mixture into the tofu pieces and then cover. Leave for as long as desired.
- In a non-stick fry pan/well oiled frypan, fry the tofu pieces for ~8 min each side.
The salad:
- Slide the cucumber, halve the cherry tomatoes and dice the red onion.
- Combine incredients and serve with a spoon of tzatziki. Note: I thought feta cheese could be compatible here.
- Cook the cous cous. Note: we used the flavoured cous-cous from Woolworths. You may need to mix everything together to give it flavour.
The Cous Cous:
- Cook according to packet instructions.