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The Fitz, Bulli

  • Located: 251 Princes Hwy, Bulli NSW 2516
16.4.23 Saturday date night

Yesterday at 5.25pm, Nick and I left Chip at home and caught the train to Bulli. We timed it perfectly, it was just 10 minutes from leaving our house to arriving at Bulli. We walked 500 m to the Fitz Cafe and Bar, located on the Princes Hwy, opposite the Heritage hotel.

We had not booked prior to arriving, so we could not sit on the rooftop. We had a table inside. For a while, it was just us sitting and talking. We started with a cocktail each: The Spicy Mango Margarita for Nick; and the Pornstar martini for myself. I personally preferred Nick's cocktail: The jalapenos gave it a nice kick. The pornstar martini was nice, but very sweet and not to my likes.

Note: It was a shame that they didn't stock any local beers. I really like when local restaurants whether it be in illawarra or elsewhere, stock beers from local breweries. It shows that they support their local communities and for visitors to the region, it exposes them to the local beer.

At the Fitz

After the cocktails, we ordered some food to share:

  • Potato gnocci with a cauliflower sauce: This was sooooo tasty. The cauliflower taste was not so overwhelming either.
  • Egg plant Bao buns (comes as 2, Nick and I had one each): The egg plant pieces were crumbed and really crispy, which made the bun really good to eat. Nick said that he could've eaten 4 of them. I agree. They were amazing.
  • Sweet potato fries: were just standard fries.

Yum With the food, we ordered a bottle of Cab Sauv: 2021 Highbury Fields Cabernet Sauvignon from Forest Hill vineyard. Given that it was 2021 wine, it hadn't had time to age. It was enjoyable wine, 4/5 but not the tastiest Cab Sauv that I have had.

Once we had finished our dinner, we waited 10 minutes and then ordered a kitkat cronut to share. Their sweets looked amazing! The cronut was so good. Then we paid the bill and jumped on the train by 8 pm.

By 8.15 pm, we were back at home to have a cup of tea and watch another episode of Killing Eve.

I would go back to this place, but book ahead to reserve a spot on the rooftop. The rooftop looks cool, it has fairy lights decorated around it, which you can see from Bulli Station. I think everyone else love it, so it is really busy up there.