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Queen Street Eatery, Berry


On 6 May 2023, at 6.30 pm, Nick and I headed to Berry for a birthday dinner at Queen Street Eatery. Our booking was for 7.45 pm but we arrived half an hour before. We enjoyed a cocktail at The Rudlege bar, a few doors up from the restaurant. It was a cute place, but it was really slow - it took about 20 minutes before we got our drinks and the place was quiet with 3 bartenders. We quickly drank our cocktails (Amoretto sour for me and a mojito for Nick), and headed to the restaurant.

From the moment that we arrived at the restaurant, the service was amazing. It gave off a vibe similar to Jensens. Contrary to how the name sounds, it was a very nice and somewhat fancy place. The menu constantly changes, so you never know what the meal will be until you arrive. Lucky for me, they had a vegetarian menu as well as a regular one. Queen St Eatery Img caption. A look at Queet St. Eatery.

Unlike many other restaurants, Queen Street Eatery had a fixed menu: where you pay $99 per person for a 3 course meal with bread and salad. I suspect this is to ensure that they get their monies worth as it is a very small restaurant: sits about 15 people at one time.

We ordered a bottle of wine to start: 2017 Rockford Rifle Range #CabernetSauvignon from the Barossa Valley. The waitress decanted the bottle for us - so it seems like they know what they are doing with wine. The wine itself was very smooth and really delicious. Although this was expected considering that it is $133 in store.

Wine Img caption. Enjoying a Barossa Cab Sauv.

Shortly after we had our first sips of wine, we were served some of the nicest brioche buns that I have ever tasted. Next came the entrée: I ordered the pumpkin and ricotta ritolo and Nick ordered the octopus. My mind was blown over how great the food was and it was only the entre!! For the main meal, I ordered the onion and leek tart, while Nick ordered the steak. This was also mouth watering delicious. Nick remarked about how tender and well-cooked it was.

By dessert time, I was really full. I still ordered the ice-cream sandwich, and Nick ordered the passionfruit and white chocolate parfait. This was such a good treat to cap off a wonderful meal.

Happy eaters Img caption. Our 3 course meal at Queen St. Eatery.

Once dessert was over, the wine was finished, we headed home. This place was so wonderful and I was so shocked that a place like this exists in Berry (considering how bad the bar that we went to beforehand was). It is a hidden gem that is definitely worth it! The service was 5/5 and the food was 5/5. While it was expensive, the price is similar to other nice restuarants such as .

The only faults that I can think of is that it was pretty cold inside - they don't seem to have heating. I was also sitting on a bench, without cushions, and it was really uncomfortable after a while of sitting. For this reason, I rate them 9/10.